Vice-Principle Message

 Everybody says- Mistake is the first step of SUCCESS, But fact is that CORRECTION of mistake is the first step of success.

Importance of education tells us the value of education in our life. Education means a lot in everyone’s life as it facilitates our learning, knowledge and skill. It completely changes our mind and personality and helps us to attain the positive attitudes. We must give importance to the education than other targets in life as it is the only source of real happiness in our life.

 LIL CHAMPS coeducational environment reflects the world in which our students will one day live and work. Beyond mastering academic disciplines, L.C.I.S.students are taught to respect all people and things, to be honest with themselves and others, put forth maximum effort, and seek ways to support their communities.

our mission remains the same- EITHER DO BEST OR DIFFERRNT FROM REST.

 L.C.I.S. is committed to developing students of high academic achievement, intellectual curiosity, and  strong moral character. Through education we try to help our students to think differently, to discover the impossible, to travel the unexplored path and to conquer the problems of life courageously to succeed in life.

So let’s continue to impart education to our children to make a difference in our country because they are the future of our country.

I am delighted that you are considering  L.C.I.S. and look forward to meeting you and your family as you begin the quest of finding the right school for your child.